Giuliana Cacciapuoti - esperta in cultura islamica e del mediterraneo - Atività

Activities and Services

Giuliana Cacciapuoti - Attività

We can meet your specific needs and put forward original customized solutions.

We support your innovative projects thanks to our cross-culture expertise in the Mediterranean area and the Middle East. We translate and localize your ideas in the following sectors:

  1. culture, arts, crafts, tourism
  2. cultural and commercial marketing
  3. cultural events and activities
  4. innovative and creative methodologies

We rely on our network of international, national and local contacts and antennas.

We offer reliable and expert support to identify, create, manage activities and projects aimed at today’s globalized world.


"Communicating with Islam"
The course "Communicating with Islam" was developed for the Italian Police and the Ministry of the Interior and it is a unique specific training aimed at police and law enforcement In Italy and in Europe. Training courses were developed for the Italian Ministry of Justice and PRAP Lazio, to train staff, mediators and workers to intercultural relations in prisons.

Strong networking skills in an international environment

Giuliana Cacciapuoti - esperta in cultura islamica e del mediterraneo

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Giuliana Cacciapuoti
P.IVA 08039621217

Graphic and design: Sokan Communication | Photo by Monica Memoli - Emanuele Di Cesare
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